9.1. General Journal
9.1.3. Business Cycle Settings
9.1.2. Perform Period Closings
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9.2. Chart of Accounts
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9.1.3. Business Cycle Settings

Business Cycle Settings

The Business Cycle Settings window allows you to configure some basic business controls.

Image BusCycleSettingsMenu.JPG

The Business Cycle Settings window is displayed below in two images.

Image BusCycleSettings1.JPG

Fiscal Year Period Configuration

To configure your fiscal year periods, select the year that you want to configure in the 'What fiscal year are you setting up?' selection box.

Image PeriodConfig1.JPG

Then select select the first day of the of the fiscal year being configured.

Then select the type of periods that you want to operate your fiscal year.

Image PeriodConfig2.JPG

The default is to use the last day of each month as the date the period will be closed. You can also select the 13 week periods in either the 4-4-5, 5-4-4 or 4-5-4 configuration. You can even configure your own periods with the 'Let me define my own' option.

After selecting your period type, the period layout will update according to your selections. You can adjust the closing date for each period if you choose.

Once your periods are configured, you can click on the Save Settings button to save your period configuration.

WIP Auto Reconciliation

The WIP Auto Reconciliation parameters allow you to select defaults that will appear in the WIP Reconciliation Report print options window. The values you set here are the default values that will be presented in the report print options window before you run the report. You can change these values in the report options window before running the report. The report can be run multiple times with different values.

Image WIPReportConfig.JPG

Account Aging

The account aging section allows you to define the default aging for your system. These defaults will appear in your Accounts Receivable report options window before you run the report. The defaults can be changed at any time in the Account Receivable report options window and you the report can be run multiple times with different values.

Image AccntAging.JPG

The image below displays the lower half of the Business Cycle Settings window.

Image BusCycleSettings2.JPG

Assigning Your Default Accounts

By selecting the default Cost of Goods Sold, Cash and Work In Progress accounts from your chart of accounts, these can be presented as defaults in other sections of the application. You can have multiple COGS and Cash accounts and they can be assigned to various Products & Services for tracking expenses and cash. You can only have one Work In Progress account.

Miscellaneous Vendor Charges & Fees

To be sure that vendor miscellaneous fees such as small order fees, freight charges, fuel surcharges and call before delivery fees (CBD) are recorded correctly, you must define the default income and expanse account to be used for that product. You can use other income and expense accounts for the products that you may define under the Products & Services tab in System Configuration. The defaults selected here will be used for these products unless you use different income or expense accounts in the Products & Services tab product definitions.

Image MiscVendorFees.JPG

After you make your selections be sure to click on the Save Settings button at the top of the window to save your changes in the database.

9.1.3. Business Cycle Settings
9.1. General Journal
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9.1.2. Perform Period Closings
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9.2. Chart of Accounts